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A book about the Belgian F-104 pilots

The Belgian F-104 pilots - the Silver Spurs - narrate their experiences with the mythic Starfighter, a high-class but sometimes treacherous aircraft. 

“The Silver Spurs mastering the Manned Missile”

Order the book by following the steps below.

To an address in Belgium
Transfer € 30 to the account IBAN BE23 2100 6199 6691
of V.T.B. asbl-vzw. Please mention “104 book”.

To an address abroad
Transfer € 40 to the account IBAN BE23 2100 6199 6691
of V.T.B. asbl-vzw,Please mention “104 book”.

Please e-mail your order to: <> 
leave your name & shipping address in that e-mail.

!! OPGELET: dit boek is Engelstalig !!                                !! CAUTION: this book is in English !!

Your order is only complete after receipt of the payment.
This initiative is sponsored by the Senior Aviators’ Association The ‘Vieilles Tiges’ of Belgian Aviation (VTB).  



Bert B © Copyright on content & photos - PR KeeBee icc with Belgian Air Force