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Kleine-Brogel Air Base

Knowledge, Spirit, Style !

E&T Squadron

The Electronics and Telecommunication Squadron (E&T) is assigned with specific tasks, technical and logistics management and equipment maintenance in many domains

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  • Electronic F-16 devices/systems
  • Flight simulator
  • Means of telecommunication (Ground to ground, ground to air, air to air)
  • Navigation tools such as GPS and similar aircraft systems
  • Computer systems: computer and support systems to allow technicians to do aircraft maintenance
  • Cryptographic equipment: equipment to encrypt and send sensitive information
  • Audio, visual and audiovisual equipment
  • Test and measuring devices to test aircraft sensors and equipment
  • Exploitation of means of communication in the transmission spectrum

To fulfill these tasks, the E&T Squadron is divided into three flights and a central depot/Bureau Metrology:

  • Flight Avionics (Avx)
  • Flight Communication and Information systems (CIS)
  • Flight Support
  • Depot E&T + Bureau Metrology (BMT)

The task of the flight Avx is to ensure the maintenance and support of the electronic F-16 systems as well as the technical and logistics management.

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In order to do so, the flight Avx is subdivided into:

  1. Intervention: a Bureau Exploitation (BEx) that coordinates the different tasks and four sections responsible for repairs on the F-16 fleet as well as repairs to electronic F-16 devices.
    1. Bureau Exploitation (BEx)
    2. Electronic Warfare section (EW): 360° aircraft protection against enemy threats with eg an ALQ-131 (jammer) and the KRP detection device. Firing of Chaff and Flares protects the aircraft against hostile missiles.
    3. Communication, Navigation and Identification section (CNI): aircraft communication means (UHF/VHF radio and satellite communication) and navigation tools (eg GPS, INS and Beacons like TACAN)
    4. Flight Controls section (FLCS): maintenance of primary aircraft systems, namely the movements of the aileron by Hands on Throttle and Stick (HOTAS)
    5. Integrated Weapon Systems section (IWS): reconnaissance of targets and delivery of weapons on target which is made possible by a collaboration of sensors and systems like the Fire Control Radar, the SNIPER Targeting pod, Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS), Heads-Up Display (HUD) etc…

  2. Not-Intervention F-16: supporting sections of the Intervention sections.
    1. Mission Support Systems section (MS3): maintenance of all hardware/software necessary to plan and and extract data to debrief a flight. Thanks to special software programs, it is possible to review every second of the flight with the means the pilot had available during his flight (sound, Video and GPS data)

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The task of the Flight CIS is to manage all ground communication and information systems. The command structure is build up with a commander and also a separate BEx to coordinate all different tasks. Furthermore, this flight is subdivided into:

  1. Information and Communication Technology section (ICT): maintenance of the entire network, software and hardware ground computer systems. Eg ICAROS, Intrusion Detection system and BlueNET (survey of radar images)
  2. Communication Navigation and Surveillance section (CNS): maintenance of ground to air radio and navigation systems. Eg for communication systems are Air Defence Radio, TRS/TETRA. Eg for navigation tools are PAR, ILS, TACAN.
  3. Crypto Centre: maintenance of F-16 cryptographic equipment ensuring the secure sound and data transmissions between aircraft or between air to ground systems.
  4. Cel Data: programmers and database administrators developing local ILIAS queries and reports for the 10TH Tactical Wing as well as for the entire Belgian Defence.

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The task of the Flight Support consists of non-direct aircraft related tasks, however of essential meaning to support a squadron like for instance vehicle maintenance, hangar maintenance, the supply of the canteens and other daily operations of a squadron as well as the coordination of social activities.

The E&T/BMT storage is not a separate flight, but under direct hierarchy of the Squadron Commander. It manages the squadron’s consumables. The BMT section is responsible for the calibration of all measuring and testing devices.

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