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Kleine-Brogel Air Base

Knowledge, Spirit, Style !

Smaldeel Force Protection & Strike Security

The Force Protection squadron is subdivided into several flights: two Ground Defense Operations flights, one Passive Defense flight, a K9 flight

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Flight Ground Defence Operations
The Ground Defense Operations flight consists of Active Defense and Protective Security. Together they are “the boots on the ground” ensuring the airfield’s security thanks to multiple tasks. Eg access control, camera surveillance, patrols, observation points, VIP escorts,…

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Flight Active Defense
If you are looking for a challenging job with an extraordinary group atmosphere and a lot of job variation and physical incentives, Active Defense is exactly what you are looking for!
The core business is to secure any airfield inland as well as abroad. They have to ensure the security of all personnel as well as all other assets within an operational zone. To accomplish this task, they strive for the maximum level due to thorough training in any domain; knowledge, physical and tactics. After training, the new recruits are expected to think along to reach our goals ASAP. New recruits will also develop on a personal level due to specific training.
Are you willing to challenge yourself several weeks on the Marche-Les-Dames rock formation? Then you could be the perfect person to become an Air Commando! If that is not challenging enough you can sign up to the Air Mobile Protection Team!

It is impossible to describe all our specialties and specific tasks. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them via our website!

Some key words to round up:
Operations inland and abroad, extraordinary group atmosphere, physical challenges, individual growth
See you soon !!


Protective Security
“You only have one chance to make a first impression!”
An important statement for the personnel of the 10WTac controlling the airbase’s access. Most of the time it’s only a matter of a quick ID check when you enter the airbase via guard house Oud-Peer or Kaulille because most of the job has already been done before you show up.

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According to the Flight Commander Protective Security: “it often is a bedlam at guard house Oud-Peer! Services do need to be contacted to confirm a visit, a short briefing concerning the prohibition of photography needs to be given, a visitor needs to be picked up, accompanied and brought back by the personnel of the service to be visited and all the administration needs to be done correctly. There isn’t always the right understanding of the procedures we need to apply, but there is no concession when it comes to military security!

This flight’s personnel used to be known as the “Airfield Police”. Even today they still fulfill some of these tasks, eg base patrols, controlling the airbase’s protection infrastructure, ascertain thefts, damage, security procedures infringements and car accidents between military vehicles on base.

“It’s a dirty job, but we are doing it for the security of the 10 W Tac and its personnel”

Passive Defense
They are responsible for the protection against any chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threat.
Their second task is to ensure all physical measures for the protection of the personnel, the infrastructure and equipment. Eg access points, access points reinforced with hesco’s to lower the effects of possible explosions etc…
The third part of the task is to make sure the airbase is operational (infrastructure) again ASAP after an incident.

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CBRN defence
CBRN incidents can have a major impact on operations. Therefore, the CBRN Defense has specialists in the Operations Centre (command post). The Passive Defense flight also has a specialized Post Attack Reconnaissance team and multiple observation points. This combination allows us to collect valuable terrain information, analyze this information and assist the Command Element with their advice. The goal is to ensure all ops despite possible CBRN incidents.

The ancient partnership between men and dog keeps standing firm in the Belgian Defense as well! To ensure the protection of Defense’s resources, the Force Protection leans on the extraordinary sense, intuition and physical capacities of their loyal K9.The dogs are deployed for patrols and to track people and explosives.

Patrol Dogs
The most obedient, observant and protective dogs are deployed as patrol dogs. Without losing sight of their leader, these dogs see everything that moves or makes a sound! Only when their leader gives them an order to act, they go straight to their target. While in full action, the loyal K9 stays under full command of his leader and will only bite when ordered to do so. Not to lose this extraordinary connection, the team stays together all the time. They work together, go home together and when on a mission abroad they go together as well..

Tracking dogs
aA few dogs are thoroughly trained to track people. When an infringement is ascertained, they succeed in localizing the intruder by his scent. This specialty is used on base and in support of other units. Eg, tracking dogs are part of the training of elite troops, like pilots, Special Forces and sniper.

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An explosive detection dog (EDD) is trained to track military and civil explosives as well as improvised explosive devices (IED).
“ Every explosive is made of several chemical components. At least one of those components is a basic substance. Like salt or pepper is to a dish”
The dogs are trained to recognize all basic substances. “ Explosive detection dogs are trained to associate basic substances with rewards, like playing with their favorite ball or rope “
When the EDD recognizes a certain scent, he/she acts by a passive alert (sit or lay down) in order to work safe at all times...”

The EDD is a small, but very operational part of the Force Protection Squadron. When they aren’t deployed, they are still training and bounding (walking, grooming, playing,…)
It requires an exceptional discipline to remain on a constant operational level.

Strike Security
The Strike Security squadron is subdivided into six operational flights, ensuring the protection of the base’s operational zones.

Strike 2

Strike 2

Dogs 5

Dogs 5

Dogs 7

Dogs 7

Dogs 8

Dogs 8

Strike 3

Strike 3





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